Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Open Invitation to All Doctors, Dentists & Medical Personnel

Our association of Pakileños known as Pakil Balikatan Worldwide is organizing another medical mission in Pakil, Laguna on May 23-24, 2008.

Once again, this mission aims to extend basic medical and dental services to town residents for free. Participating in this noble cause is Dra. Mercy Entienza of Pakil (who will be in charge of the coordination), PBW members, and volunteers from the medical profession like you.

On behalf of this medical mission, we would like to request your help and participation and ask that you once again join pro bono. We will have food and lodging and our best effort to make this a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for our volunteers. Your favorable response to this request will be greatly appreciated.

You can let us know of your availability through Dra. Mercy Entienza. You can reach her at: or by phone at (049) 557-0440.(Philippines contact) We will also be glad to hear from you at; or by phone at (951)247-5446.(U.S.A./Canada)

We hope that you can share your blessings with Pakileños through this mission.

Norman P. Saldaña
Check out PSST!!! Newsletter

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