Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bookmark Global Pakil

You can Bookmark or Add to Favorite Global Pakil so you dont have to type it next time you want to visit the site.

If you are using Firefox/Mozilla browser all you have to do is open the site (http://globalpakil.blogspot.com) and on the top of you browser click Bookmarks/Bookmark this page.

For all Internet Explorer/ IE users you can either add Global Pakil to you Favorites (see top of your IE browser). You can also make an icon shortcut of Global Pakil on your desktop.

Making Global Pakil shortcut on your Desktop- Open the site. Go to File- uppermost left corner of the screen click File and scroll down to Send and click "Shortcut to Desktop"

So, next time you can just go to your Bookmarks/Favorites or find the Global Pakil Icon on your desktop and open the site. These are some suggestions to make your browsing experience easier. :-)

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