Saturday, December 1, 2007

Pakil Online Community History

On November 13, 2000 the first Pakil Intranet was created. It lasted for a couple of years with a total of almost 100 plus registered members. The Pakil Intranet served as a file sharing and discussion board site for Pakilenos globally. The Intranet provider started to charge for fee that is why we decided to moved to another intranet provider that is free.(we keep it for sometime by sharing on the monthly fee)

Now comes the Smartgroups/ The Pakileno group online grew a little bit in numbers and little bit in participations. Smartgroup/ became the virtual meeting place of Pakilenos in Pakil, from Asia, N. America, Middle East and Europe. Some projects were conceptualized in the discussion board. Some local issues were supported thru the forum. The intranet/discussion board was the merging point of Pakilenos getting involved in Pakil virtually. It lasted online from 3rd quarter of 2003 to last quarter of 2005 until the provider decided to close shop.

Pakil World Wide/ was created last quarter of 2006 when Smartgroup closed shop. The Intranet was another free service providing forum and file sharing with a much better forum interface. The Pakil Forum went offline last week of October 2007.

In all of these Pakil Online activity, the virtual experienced brought Pakilenos living in different places around the globe together. Some Pakilenos rediscovered their roots, their relatives and Pakil itself.

On the other hand while these intranet was in existence there are also other Pakileno website who became a good source of information about Pakil, it's people and culture. You can check out the Lava Family website and Buddy Valero's Pakil Page.

Note: If I missed some important dates feel free to leave comments under comment section. Thanks.

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