Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mid Year 2008

It is mid year or past mid year of 2008. The last time I posted here the gasoline price was somewhere $3.19 per gallon. The gasoline price already reached $4.50 per gallon and $5.00 in some other places. Today, it feels some kind of relief to see it on $3.85- $3.95 range. Hopefully the price will continue to go down. I doubt it! Based on the forecast it will go up again. I hope the forecast is wrong.

By this time hopefully most of Pakilenos globally is now familiar with Pakil Forum. Pakilenyos should know now how to go and access it (Pakil Forum) by going/clicking the many links available in this webpage. I know participation or shall we say active participation is another story. Maybe one day we will see more brilliant ideas being shared by our kababayan and concretely lived by the people of Pakil.

Are Pakilenyos by nature mahiyain, unexpressive? Or are they just indifferent or lack the sense of community to step up and be counted in this kind of medium. Hopefully not...we'll see.

For Pakilenyos who are actively giving their time, ideas and resources, I commend you! Keep it up!

YES! It's mid year the time of assessment and evaluation. (for corporations, communities, civic organization, etc.) What about us Pakilenyos? It's time to look back our 2 quarters of the year. Let see if we did some progress or did we stay stagnant may it be personal, or as a community.
What are the things that need improvements?