Saturday, July 18, 2009

Taga Pakil ----One Perspective

I am cleaning the house pool under a 110 F( around 42 Celsius) scorching weather. The pool water turned into green. I forgot to add the necessary chemicals for 2 weeks I think... Looking at the water it reminds me of something else. It brings me back to a place in time...Pakil! what a flashback ( reading to much FB notes I guess..hehehe)

Yes Pakil! We heard too much about it or too little. Some of us knew it by heart, some might say where the hell is that?! or you might be calling yourself taga Pakil (from Pakil) ever since.

Who or what is Taga Pakil.

For one in my case “taga Pakil” is my pseudo name in FB and in PakiL Online Forum. And true to the sense of the phrase I was born and raised in the town. (there was an interesting story about that too...maybe I'll share it with you or maybe not).

Let's go back a little bit far in history to see the background of the “beautiful landscape.”
Pakil in the 50's,60s, 70's 80's and I think up until now is the center of education in Baybay.
Baybay, meaning the neighboring towns by the lake (correct me if I'm wrong) of Sta Maria, Mabitac, Famy, Siniloan, Pangil, Pakil, Paete, Longos, San Antonio, Kalayaan and up to the town of Sta Cruz the the capital of Laguna. The school evolved it's name from Maryknoll Fathers' High School with the Maryknoll fathers(missionary) at the helm administering to the students academic needs and of the community. Then it was turned over to the Maryknoll sisters, hence changed the name to just Maryknoll. The academic excellence of the school in a small town was at par with school in the big cities. From Maryknoll it became Mary Immaculate Academy then to Liceo de Pakil of today. (I am not a historian so feel free to add on this note).

In my perspective, all students who studied in Pakil can be called taga Pakil in that sense. Four years of
your formative years were spent in Pakil with Pakileno families. Mathematically speaking (feeling mathematician LoL) every students lived or spent 7 to 8 hours a day of their lives in Pakil...1,600 hrs in a year X 4 yrs =6,4000 hrs...that a lot of minutes. Going back in time, you met your first crush or your first boyfriend/girlfriend in Pakil. You discovered places, understand history, do your first math equation and military training (CAT), met your best friends, etc., in the school at Pakil.

Others, may say my family is from Pakil but we live in the city and frequently vacationing in the town every summer or weekends...
DO YOU REMEMBER these.... the ahunan sa Ping-as, Sagala, Santa Cruzan, Holy week processions...palatok, picnics, boating,great musicians, band parade and those pretty majorettes, cold natural spring of the town's swimming pool, basketball league in Plaza, Komedya, Turumba, tubigan sa kalsada/patintero, taguan sa gabi. Undas, or tambay lang sa kalye....kulitan and many more.

For those living abroad, your parents maybe were from Pakil and you have not taste or experienced living in the place...but I know once in a while you heard from your parents about the place or attended some gathering/s of taga Pakil in your area.

Some are just friends of taga Pakil who in one way or the other fall in love with the place and it's people. Again some may say who, what, where is Pakil....easy answer, Google it or be my friend I'll tell you more about it!

Peace! feel free to call yourself taga Pakil if you like the place and the people and Keep that Smile in your face. It looks better on you :-)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

PakiLarawan Calendar

Pakilarawan Created by: Patrick Valiente

Monday, September 22, 2008

Pakil Info Sheet

To all Pakilenyo please fill up the info sheet for our updated mailing list.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mid Year 2008

It is mid year or past mid year of 2008. The last time I posted here the gasoline price was somewhere $3.19 per gallon. The gasoline price already reached $4.50 per gallon and $5.00 in some other places. Today, it feels some kind of relief to see it on $3.85- $3.95 range. Hopefully the price will continue to go down. I doubt it! Based on the forecast it will go up again. I hope the forecast is wrong.

By this time hopefully most of Pakilenos globally is now familiar with Pakil Forum. Pakilenyos should know now how to go and access it (Pakil Forum) by going/clicking the many links available in this webpage. I know participation or shall we say active participation is another story. Maybe one day we will see more brilliant ideas being shared by our kababayan and concretely lived by the people of Pakil.

Are Pakilenyos by nature mahiyain, unexpressive? Or are they just indifferent or lack the sense of community to step up and be counted in this kind of medium. Hopefully not...we'll see.

For Pakilenyos who are actively giving their time, ideas and resources, I commend you! Keep it up!

YES! It's mid year the time of assessment and evaluation. (for corporations, communities, civic organization, etc.) What about us Pakilenyos? It's time to look back our 2 quarters of the year. Let see if we did some progress or did we stay stagnant may it be personal, or as a community.
What are the things that need improvements?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Halika na mag hunta!

It's been a month since we started the new Pakil Online Forum, so far, so good.The Forum members are picking up.Currently we have 67 Pakilenyos on board. Hopefully those who signed in can actively participate in the exchange. I believed the year started with a positive note especially that we open the communication line to all online Pakilenyos thru the forum.

Special thanks also to one of our elected official councilman Ronald V Hildago for joining and participating in the forum. This might be a good start of a collaborative work with the municipal government and our kababayan in different places not only outside the Philippines but also our kababayan who seldom go back home because of work but their hearts remains close to Pakil. I hope our other officials can join us too.

When we started the online Intranets/Forum whatever name you call it 7 or 8 year ago (different free site were hosting it).What I've noticed is that we lack the participation from our elected officials. Hopefully our current forum will generate more interest and participation not only from our town officials but also by Pakilenyos at large around the globe.

One feature of our current Pakil forum is, it is public-viewable to all, compare to our old forums which is private. Private -meaning- you need to register to be able to read and post your ideas and participate in the discussions. With this one everything is open...but I highly suggest for all Pakilenyos to register to keep your username and to avoid anonymity when you decide to post. Register and you will see what I am talking:-) May this serve as an open invitation for all Pakilenyos around the globe to join in Pakil Online Forum.

Keep it up Pakilenyos! Let us start our journey together to progress and prosperity us our goal!

If you have questions about Pakil Online Forum please send an email at or any of our forum moderators.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Pakil Forum

Welcome to a bright new year (2008).

Kasabay ng pagpasok ng bagong taon ay isang bagong Pakil Forum.
Check the link under Links- Pakil Forum right side of globalpakil webpage.
I will keep the chat box as it is. The chat box will be like a receiving room and the Forum is like the living room where we can have a lengthy conversation and exchange of ideas.

Just a reminder to read the Forum Guidelines before posting. This time Pakil Forum is a public and viewable to all Pakilenos and non Pakilenos. There is also a private forum for more in depth discussions. You can register to the forum by clicking the Register link on top of the page. Enjoy!!!

Pakil Forum Link

Monday, December 24, 2007

Maligayang Pasko sa Global PakileƱos

Isang Mabunying Pagbati ng Kapaskuhan sa lahat ng mga PakileƱos sa iba't ibang panig ng daigdig mula sa Oman, Singapore, Riyadh,Saudi Arabia,Dubai, UAE,Kuala Lumpur, Iran, Guam,England, Australia (Melbourne, Sydney)New Zealand,Malaysia, Canada (Newfoundland, Toronto, Calgary,British Columbia) Italia, Tokyo,Japan, iba't ibang parte ng America (East Coast, Midwest, West Coast)at sa Perlas ng Silangan -Pilipinas.

Nawa'y datnan kayo ng payapa at saganang araw ng pagdiriwang malayo man kayo sa inyong bayan. Maligayang Pasko at isang Masagana at Makabuluhang Bagong Taon para sa lahat!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Misa de Gallo '07

Some audio files from Misa de Gallo in Pakil- San Pedro Alcantara Parish. Thanks Girlie M. de Roma. (ate Girl:-)for taking the time recording and sending the files.
You can listen to it by downloading the file(click download button) or by streaming audio.(click on the play button)

Click the link to listen/download- it will take 3 to 5 seconds to load the file.
Papuri sa Diyos

Gospel and Homily by Guest Priest


Message of Bishop Drona

Ama Namin

Tayo na at Dumalaw

Prayer to a Beautiful God

Pasko ng Madla